Nowadays, the consumer market is all about continuous innovation. Why should the way for developing products be far behind from that concept? This is where agile software development comes in handy, and is the way forward during 2024.

At the moment, the industry is now all about the rapid influx of products. In today’s fierce struggle for higher visibility and total domination, early to market means a strong competitive advantage. But the modern-day businesses no longer have the budget, patience, and stamina to wait for even six months.

This is where the concept of creating MVP solutions is helpful. Having a basic set of features can give users a rapid software product. Hence, comes Agile in the picture – the umbrella for a variety and quick to develop methodologies for producing high-quality software.

Companies and users both need fast software development solutions to solve their problems. The agile practice is key for companies requiring quick turnaround time for software launch. Therefore, businesses in the United States and worldwide can take advantage of the agile approach for software programming in 2024.

What is Agile Software Development
What is Agile Software Development

Defining the Agile Software Development Process

In the 1990s, some brilliant programmers came up with a way to meet the industry’s growing demands for quick turnaround solutions. They divided the software development life cycle into smaller manageable chunks. Focusing on 1-2 features, these chunks are time-boxed for development over 2-3 weeks.

Agile takes the lead from the Waterfall model. But it is different as you don’t complete a particular phase for all features and specifications in one-go. Instead, you pick and choose the features you can manage to develop in 2-3 weeks (called sprints).

Then you run the entire cycle of analysis, design, development, testing, and implementation on those features in one-go. So, this makes Agile development a very popular choice.

Because it ensures that product features are rapidly developed, giving room for the quicker launch of products in the market. Sounds fascinating right?

Cool Agile Statistics for 2024

The following stats prove Agile remains one of the most popular software development methodologies for 2024.

  • Capterra states that 71% of companies are implementing Agile.
  • VersionOne reveals that Agile adoption has helped out 98% of companies.
  • Harvard Business Review declares that 60% of companies experience revenue growth and profits increase after using an Agile approach.
  • Agile has become the norm, replacing Waterfall as the preferred model of choice, for software development and project management.
  • Standish Group Chaos Study reports the Agile success rate is 42%, as compared to Waterfall’s success rate of 26%. This means Agile is 1.5x more successful than the Waterfall model.

Agile Frameworks

Established businesses and startups globally use Agile for iteratively creating software products. As one of the biggest processes for software programming and product deployment, the in-demand Agile approach has various frameworks. The most popular of these frameworks of agile include the following.

  1. Scrum
  2. Lean
  3. XP
  4. Kanban
  5. FDD
  6. Crystal Clear
  7. RAD

How Agile Methodology benefits companies?

Certainly, the usefulness of Agile spans several advantages that make it cool and helpful. These are given below.

  • Business model for all company sizes
  • Independent smart team
  • Embracing change
  • Risk aversion
How Agile Methodology benefits companies
How Agile Methodology benefits companies

Let’s discuss these rewards of Agile in detail now.

Business model for all company sizes

Whether you are small-sized to medium or even an enterprise company, we all want to make sure we remain profitable and within a certain budget.

Agile development allows you to develop software in chunks, that is marketable without having to worry for huge investment for developing and testing the product.

From the very word go, all phases are completed within a decided time-frame, with the intent of the sprint bringing a set of features to life at the end of the run.

It is like little magic happening after 2-3 weeks’ time frame, where you see a product coming to life in bits and pieces.

And that too, along with just having to worry about getting budget for it from investors.

You can figure it out on your own.

Independent smart team

One of the Agile principles includes having independent team, with defined set of roles and responsibilities.

This means a team of business analysis (BA), design, development, and quality assurance (QA) resources.

It is a small unit that works together in making sure that the features are developed without any issues.

There is a daily stand-up meeting where the team discusses what they did yesterday, what they will achieve today and any impediments they are facing to get the work done.

The unit works together and ensures that there are no roadblocks for anyone in the team.

Embracing change

Agile model is all about accepting the change with little fuss.

Whereas, in Waterfall model, change means having to do a lot of homework.

In agile model, software development takes place in short span of time, also known as sprints.

It allows team to re-align on the features, business and approach for developing the product.

This way Agile development is able to embrace change without putting project at a higher risk.

The way to maneuver the product is easier, and helps to develop features with higher chance of connecting with the audience.

Risk aversion

With so much emphasis on constantly coming up with dazzling products, companies at times want to test the waters with a pilot program.

Agile software has the ability to utilize the minimum viable product (MVP) concept, in essence.

This leads to picking out on a set of features, from the wide extensive feature-set, and only focusing on developing these first.

You can launch the beta version of the product in the market, to analyze how it performs.

Then you can figure out on the basis of result, if you want to go ahead with the rest or not.

Testing the MVP version helps you avert potential market risks or minimize them to a greater extent.

Develop successful Software quickly with Agile approach
Develop successful Software quickly with Agile approach


The demand for software development services is on the rise.

Nowadays, companies prefer having customized product readily available that benefits their business.

With the ongoing pandemic situation, the trend for users to continue their daily tasks online will remain a continuous norm.

As a result, agile software will remain in demand.

If you are a company, wanting to capture market by developing a product, but are not sure yet.

Then the best way to test waters is by going for a basic MVP product, and seeing its consumer response.

Consequently, you gain confidence through Agile procedure, and also know how to tailor your business features.

Accordingly, this exercise makes sure that your product becomes an ultimate success with users.

Do you want to develop a successful software rapidly?

Agile is the way forward with quick turnaround time.

Talk to Techliance today to know how you can pull it off with little hassle.

Agile Software Development FAQs

What is agile in simple words?

Agile is an iterative approach to software delivery with defined time limits; that incrementally develops the software from the project start, and gradually delivers modules, instead of handing it over all at once after completion.

What is Agile methodology in software development?

Agile methodology in software development points out to software project implementation practices based on iterative development, where requirements and solutions progress with cooperation among self-organizing cross-functional teams towards common goal.

Scrum, Kanban and Lean are three commonly utilized Agile frameworks for software development.

Why is agile so popular?

Agile provides software project implementation teams the prospects of learning with every new iteration.

This enables teams in delivering a prototype and improving it with each development cycle.

With continuous and cooperative troubleshooting, Agile aids teams and individual resources in efficiently prioritizing the features, and then working in that order of importance.