Have not you been introduced to Pinterest yet? You are in for a treat then. Pinterest is another social media site emerging on the Web horizon as a valuable marketing tool for businesses. A fellow Social Media Expert invited us to this Social Networking service.

A leading Custom Software Development Company like Techliance has to keep in touch of the latest market trends and new technologies. We have been playing around with Pinterest for the last couple of weeks. So far we are quite enjoying it; the user experience is very friendly and we find ourselves checking back daily.

If you do not know about Pinterest, then it is a Social Media platform or an online bulletin board for your favorite images. You can create unique pinboards like “Yummy Food”, “My Dream Home”, and “Nature” and pin the images from around the Internet accordingly. Once pinned, your followers will see, like, comment or re-pin them to their boards. Like Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus content, your pinned images can go viral in no time.


You can get pinned photos from three places:

  1. Directly from your phone or computer
  2. Anywhere from the web. However, it requires you to get a browser plug-in, which will populate all the images on a page. We have a “Pin It” button on the Bookmark bar, allowing us to choose stuff that we want to pin.
  3. And from within Pinterest. Yes! If somebody else has uploaded something that appeals to us, then we can “Repin” it.

The concept of pinning interesting images, Pinterest, actually started in 2010 and primarily became popular with the fashion audience. But in the last quarter or two, companies and brands have immensely recognized the visual storytelling strength of this channel. It could be an age-old tactic, but Pinterest rivals the likes of Twitter now. It drives huge volumes of traffic to corporate websites and therefore is being regarded as the most popular progressive site ever.

So, how can brands leverage this growing new social network? Here are the best tips to market your brand through Pinterest:

Techliance on Pinterest

Best Tips to Market Your Brand Through Pinterest

  • Prop up the lifestyle that your brand is capable of. Hit peoples’ minds with intriguing ideas and influence their thoughts. This will lead to sharing your content amongst followers and users with the same interests.
  • Run a contest. This will entice people to pin your content entailing images.
  • Create pin-able content. This means your content needs to be compelling enough to make people pin it. So when creating content, think really hard about the text and images.
  • Pin interesting/relevant or trendy content from others and get it to your audience.
  • Follow tweeting after pinning. Like if you find any image interesting that you would tweet about then pin it first, and tweet about the pin later.
  • Add “Pin It” button to your site. We are using it for our site to see what value it can add as we have more textual and less visual content even now our blogs get pinned. So, if your site displays more visual content than textual then add the “Pin It” button to it. Hence it will sure get you big traffic.
  • Add a “follow me on Pinterest” button. It is an open invitation for your website users to find the best and the latest content, which leads to increased awareness of their brands and potentially influences their purchase decisions.


The list of tips for branding with Pinterest continues. However, the further you explore Pinterest, the more you will learn about it and the better marketing ideas you will come up with. We at Techliance hope that many of you are ready to go for a test drive with Pinterest. Just be a little creative in order to leverage Pinterest to strengthen and support your online marketing efforts.

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