There are more than 4000 Android Wear smart apps to choose from. If you are part of the Android Wear cult, you’d probably be interested in knowing which apps you should install on your smartwatch. There is no denying the fact that by installing some useful apps, you will be able to gain the maximum out of your smartwatch and have some fun along the way as well.
We round up on top 5 Android Wear Smart apps from different walks of life with some essential benefits to make your Android smartwatch experience a whole lot trendier:
Everyone enjoys good music on the go which is why Shazam remains one of the most popular music apps throughout the years. It is also a cool app to have on your smartwatch as it allows you to capture details of a song you like without having to fiddle on your phone especially if the song is just about to end.
Free, Shazam.
If you are a person who is concerned about their fitness then this is the app you definitely need in your smartwatch. Endomondo allows you to tag your runs, cycles, hikes, climbs etc. A convenient app to have on your wrist as you whisk your way into fitness.
Free, Endomondo.
This is an already popular app that has been re-done to be available on your Android smartwatch. Now you can check off to-do lists with taps and add new reminders with voice control. This makes shopping and other similar chores a lot more fun and easier to do.
Free, Evernote.
Video for Android Wear
If you are a person who likes to watch videos on the fly then this is the app for you. You can watch videos with Bluetooth headphone support for audio and a cast button if you have a Chromecast plugged into your TV. This app provides an ideal way to kill time while commuting to and fro from home to office.
Free, Video for Android Wear.
City Mapper
Similar to Google Maps, this app is a lot cooler and friendlier to use. You can navigate straight to your home and work locations as already specified on the mobile app. It even lets you track complicated journeys that you have planned out. It takes away the hassle of taking out your phone so often to tally whether you are still on track and aren’t astray from your destination. It makes it easier to find directions as you move around the city and explore new destinations.
Free, City Mapper